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While Tajar Tales have been heard and read across the country and beyond, those living in the Seal of Ohio Girl Scout Council,
have arbitrarily chosen the following three levels:

1. Tajar – To become a Tajar, hear the three stories from the book Tajar Tales and receive the Tajar Pin in a camp setting.
2. Advanced Tajar – To become an Advanced Tajar, hear any three stories from the second book, A Perfect Day for the Tajar and receive a Tajar Tea Cup to wear on the Tajar Pin.
3. Master Tajar – To become a Master Tajar, read any of the Tajar stories to a group at a camp setting and receive a Tajar Tea Pot to wear on the Tajar Pin.

The Tajar Pin is made of a safety pin, wrapped with masking tape and then a bit of heavy thread, called button thread. Black thread shows up nicely on the masking tape and sticks to it, if the tape is wound sticky side out.

The Tajar Tea Cup is found in hobby and craft stores in the miniature or doll house section. The blue with white speckles variety comes in a package with 4 cups and a tea pot.

The Tajar Tea Pot is found with the tea cups. The tea pot lid must be secured with glue. Both the cups and pots can have
the button thread tied in a loop through the handles and hang from the Tajar Pin.

The Tajar Ceremony
Prepare ahead of time the tokens to be bestowed (pins, cups, tea pots). Any Master Tajar, Advanced Tajar or group leader can conduct the Tajar Ceremony.

At the conclusion of the third Tajar Tale being read, the group will be directed to gather in a circle. This is a most serious ceremony. The leader will explain that those assembled are almost ready to become Tajars ( or Advanced Tajars or Master
Tajars.) They have heard about the Tajar by listening to three stories. The last step is to receive the Tajar Pin (or cup or pot.)
They must also know of the special greeting Tajars have so it can be determined if another person is a Tajar. Sometimes, Tajar Pins cannot be worn on non camp clothes. Therefore, a Tajar, when asked, “Are you a Tajar?” Should respond with: “You
bet your striped tie I are! Grrrrr!” while making a clawing motion with the hand and pulling the hand downward. Note: the
word striped is pronounced: “stri-ped.”

Then, each prospective Tajar is asked the question and, if need be, helped with the response, and pinned with the Tajar Pin. If the group is large, then several Tajar helpers can assist the leader with the ceremony. If several levels are recognized during one ceremony, begin with the highest level first.

May the folly be with you!